The Round Lake Area Library is now offering 3D Printing services!
3D Printing Guidelines:
- 3D printing is available for any patron who has a card registered with RLAPL with an account in good standing.
- Patrons may only have one print job in the queue at any time.
- Files must be:
- In .stl format
- No larger than 10 In. x 6 In. x 6-45/64 In
- Submitted through the form below.
- Files can only be printed in a single color.
- The cost for printing is $0.05 per gram
- Please allow 10 days for your file to be printed. You will be notified via email when your print is complete and ready for pickup. This timeframe could be longer depending upon the demand at time of submission.
- Prints will be held at the Adult Services Desk for 7 days. Prints need to be paid for upon pickup of item. Payment may be made in the form of cash, check, or credit card. There will be no refunds unless directly related to a malfunction of the equipment.
- Patrons who fail to pick up a print within 7 days of being notified will have their account charged for the price of the print.
- Prints not picked up within 7 days from the date the patron was notified via email become property of RLAPL and may be displayed or discarded at the sole discretion of RLAPL staff.
- Patrons who fail to claim 2 print jobs in any 12-month period will have their 3D printing privileges temporarily suspended.
- RLAPL will not accept any files for printing that contain:
- Weapons or anything that resembles weapons.
- Content or objects in violation of local, state or federal laws.
- Content or objects in violation of U.S. and/or international copyright laws.
- Content or objects in violation of intellectual property rights.
- Objects that are obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the Library environment.
If you have something you want 3D Printed, you can now submit your requests to the library.
To submit your printing request, fill out the form below.
Don't know what to make? Find a free file on to send in to get printed!
To create your own design, sign-up for and then send the design to us!
3D Printing Policy